If you had to start a new web project today, which technology would you use?

I would use ReactJs, TailwindCSS and Firebase.

  1. 20

    Technology that I know. At the end of the day your tech stack is not going to bring the users

    1. 2

      100% agree here! As a previous Director of Technology and now Director of Product, I have seen several failed projects due to engineers wanting to build stuff in the latest and greatest.

      Build in whatever you know best to get to market, early stages of scaling can be done by throwing money at the problems (like adding servers) ... once you have product market fit, than determine how code can be improved to increase scale and cut costs / save money, at some point you can consider a code re-write if you are struggling to hire engineers to support the language you first built-in.

    2. 2

      This was the worst advice I used to believe. Keep learning new stacks each year and you’ll become a much stronger dev. Learning is your friend.

    3. 1

      Except if your product is a dev tool :) (mine is)

    4. 1

      This right here. In my case, I know several languages but I'd probably pick PHP for fast dev time.

    5. 1

      You're right, but I was just wondering what you're most comfortable with?

  2. 1

    I would use Haskell with Miso for frontend and with Servant for backend. Haskell and Miso are extremely concise allowing to build a web app with in very simple terms. I created a simple web game engine with them. I wanna more.

  3. 18

    Depends on the requirements, but my default stack would be;

    • NextJS (with typescript)
    • Tailwind for CSS
    • Prisma + Postgres for DB
    • Vercel for hosting
    1. 2

      +1 to this stack

    2. 1

      Looks resally good, I would go with similar stack too, Is their any specific reason for selecting Vercel as the hosting provider?

      1. 1

        Mainly two reasons

        • hosting NextJS on Vercel is super easy, fast and a nice experience overall
        • they natively supports all the latest NextJS features like edge SSR and edge API, on-demand static regeneration (e.g. caching) etc.
  4. 7

    I would use Vanilla Js, CSS, and flask for the backend. And maybe sqlite for the database.

    1. 1

      I agree with you that Vanilla JS and CSS are an excellent choice for the front end of the website. Flask and Sqlite are also both good choices for the backend

      1. 1

        How different is Vanilla JS from regular JS?
        (debating about learning JS)

        1. 3

          Vanilla JS and regular JS are the same things.

    2. 1

      Same here, eventually at least some kind of state based UI, when it makes sense. Need to nail the "thing" the app/tools does and provide an API that a UI can be written against.

  5. 6

    Not sure about the framework, but I like the strong typing of TypeScript (especially in strict mode) and can't imagine building a (potentially) large project in pure JS.

    1. 1

      Yes, building a large project in pure JS would be very difficult to build and maintain.

  6. 6

    Depends on the project ;) But in general I would try to use SvelteKit/Typescript and either golang/gin or kotlin/micronaut/spring boot.

    1. 1

      Thanks for the reply!

      I would also try to use SvelteKit/Typescript in my upcoming projects.

  7. 6

    React, Tailwind, Supabase

    1. 1

      great stack!
      Is there any specific reason for using Supabase?

      1. 1

        Saves a lot of time for API, Application development. It comes with readymade APIs(similar to queries) to fetch data.

        1. 1

          This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

  8. 4

    ### Application

    • Next
    • NextAuth
    • Tailwind CSS
    • react-query
    • Zustand / Jotai / Valtio (flux, atoms, proxies)
    • Radix UI
    • Framer Motion

    ### Data

    • tRPC
    • Prisma
    • PostgreSQL

    ### Testing

    • vitest (with Bun if possible)
    • react testing library
    • Mock Service Worker
    • Playwright
    • GitHub Workers

    ### Tools

    • Bun + TypeScript
    • Prettier + Husky
    • Turborepo

    ### Host

    • Vercel
    • Railway.app

    ### CMS

    • Sanity
    • Notion (api)
    • Docusaurus (documentation)

    ### Services

    • Stripe (payments)
    • WorkOS (saml)
    • sift (fraud detection)
    • ethyca (privacy engineering)
    • Skypher (security compliance)

    ### Monitoring

    • Sentry
    • Checkly

    ### Marketing

    ### Collaboration

    • Linear
    • Loom
    • Notion
    • Missive (gmail utility)
    • Discord + company bot
    1. 1

      What kind of analytics would you use?

  9. 4

    Check out: https://github.com/t3-oss/create-t3-app

    It provides an opinionated set of tools with a community behind it.

    1. 1

      Interesting, didn't know about this. Thanks for sharing.

    2. 1

      I found out about this stack a few months ago and has quickly become my favorite. The speed at which one can implement ideas while having full control is insane.

  10. 4

    For me it's PHP with Laravel, not super sexy but it works incredible well.
    The DB is mostly Postgres.
    TailwindCSS in the front.

    The less code I have to write and maintain the better and that mix just does it really well and I never had performance problems either.

    If I need something static I either use Hugo or Jigsaw and host it on Netlify, couldn't be easier.

  11. 4

    Blazor, ASP.NET6, MudBlazor

    1. 1

      wasm or server?

    2. 1

      I thought I was the only ASP.Net guy here.... :)
      ASP.Net MVC, javascript/typescript, PostgreSQL or SqlServer are my goto's.
      Looked at Blazor, but didn't really get into it.

      1. 2

        We should connect :)

        Blazor is like following the React component paradigm but implemented in c# instead of javascript. Much better implementation than bunch of workarounds in React. Runs on wasm. Keeps your code clean.

    3. 1

      I haven't heard about Blazor and MudBlazor. What are these technologies used for?

      1. 5

        If you prefer c# development experience vs javascript/typescript, Blazor is a great alternative. Just think of it as reactjs but in c#. It doesn't have some of the issues of react (because it's less opinionated). The issue would be build time needs recompile and not just save and f5. Another thing is that blazor has 2 flavors, WASM and server-side, both have their pros and cons. Mix and match for best experience. Oh forgot to mention that WASM is like 50x the performance of javascript. I like it for the sanity part of debugging vs javascript :)

        Mudblazor is just a library on top of blazor. It's very similar to material design but for blazor. The benefit vs other libraries is the performance and support.

  12. 3

    F# on .NET 7
    a serverless hosting thing like netlify or fly.io or heroku; something with simpler pricing than the big public clouds, and maybe a better free tier.
    Blazor, or Fable (F# for the frontend), or maybe Typescript

    Darklang is super interesting, but it's very much still beta. Worth playing around with.

  13. 3

    Frontend -

    Cloudflare pages for hosting my create-react-app react frontend, styled using tailwindcss (free, handles https for me also).

    It is automatically deployed on commit to main (cloudflare makes this really easy through their UI).

    Backend -

    Digital ocean droplet for hosting my typescript node backend (api) server. Sqlite for storage ($5/mo).

    Right now I'll typically just git pull when I want to redeploy, however depending on the project I may setup a docker compose script to spin up containers, that gets automatically run on commit to main.

    I let cloudflare handle DNS for free also, and have it proxy sideproject.com / api.sideproject.com to the relevant IP's for free ddos mitigation.

    I use Auth0 free tier for handling auth between.

    1. 1

      When would you normally add analytics to your stack?

  14. 3

    Nuxt and Strapi. Its super fast to put together, Vue is very easy to earn and get products built ASAP. Strapi is even faster for building a backend that will 99% of everything you would need for CRUD app. And you can deploy on Vercel and Railway in 5 mins. And definitely Tailwind

  15. 3

    Tailwind CSS

  16. 3

    Similar but substitute Firebase for Supabase. I have found it way easier to plug in.

    My stack: Remix, Tailwind, Mantine (or headlessui), Supabase and Vercel.

  17. 3

    In web2 world, I'd go with NextJS/Remix for Front-End with Serverless or Edge functions as my backend and combined with a Design System like Chakra UI ands Storybook.

    In Web3 world, I'd go with NextJS (FrontEnd), same Design System (Chakra UI), and Solidity and Polygon Network on the blockchain side.

    1. 1

      What would you be using Polygon Network for?

    2. 1

      Cool to see web3 stacks getting discussed.

      1. 1

        Yep! Its high time we recognise that Web3 is here to stay and is future! 👀

  18. 3

    For static websites: Jeykll, Netlify CMS, hosted on Netlify

    For web apps: Ruby on Rails hosted on Digital Ocean PaaS

  19. 3

    Angular with NgRx for state management.

  20. 1

    I would want to see if there is demand for what I want to build so I would prioritise speed. That's why I would use the tech that I'm most familiar with.

    For example I wanted to create a very simple landing page for my current project just to collect emails and I ended up using html, javascript and Tailwind. Published it in 2 days and did some fine tuning.

    If I wanted to build the entire user portal, I would use it better tech stack of course. Some of the tools I would use:

    • Laravel
    • Angular
    • Tailwind
    • Firebase
  21. 2

    I agree with the general advice of choosing the "technology that you know best." However, there may be cases where selecting a technology that you are enthusiastic about, but not yet proficient in, can pay off since it may increase your motivation to build the product. This can be particularly relevant for solo founders who are building a product or MVP that takes time. As of today, my default stack is:

    • ReactJS (with TypeScript) + Tailwind for the web front-end
    • Rust for the back-end (with Actix Web as a web framework)
    • Postgress / SQLite as a database (depends on the scale)
    • Tantivy or Elasticsearch for in-product search functionality
    • Node.js + Puppeteer for any web scrapping functionality
    • Kubernetes for automating deployment
    • Elastic Beats + Kibana for logs and monitoring

    P.S. Rust has a steep learning curve, but once it clicks, your performance might significantly improve. If it compiles, then in ~95%+ cases, it works as expected, and you feel much more confident pushing your changes to production.

  22. 2

    I like to go for the low JS approach with: Django, AlpineJS, HTMX, Vanilla CSS.

    At the end of the day, the tech stack doesn't matter to your users.

  23. 2

    Javascript has become the language of the internet,
    will use it.
    backend: node.js
    frontend: react or vue

  24. 2

    If speed is crucial then be:Golang, fe:VueJS/Flutter

    If it's a business application and has lots of entities then be: .net, fe:asp.net/VueJS

    db:pgSQL and if needed cache:redis, indexing:elasticsearch

  25. 2

    The one you're the most familiar with...

  26. 2

    I've bounced around many of the major JS frameworks and other stacks over the years (20+). For my own work I largely do either straight up content sites or highly custom web applications (PWAs) doing data modeling/ML work, so:

    Content sites: Angular + Scully on top of Strapi. Scully makes SSG pretty easy and 99% of the time you don't need to change the way you write Angular or if you need to add pre-rendering on top of an existing Angular app there's not much work. I get 100s in Lighthouse out of the box without effort with this combo. A close second would be Svelte/Sveltkit on top of Strapi.

    Applications: Angular + NestJs + Neo4j/Aura with a mixture of ML services from Azure/GCP. Angular and Nestjs provide an excellent isomorphic TS/tooling experience while providing tools to handle any challenge. I found this the easiest to bring other devs up to speed since it's all opinionated Typescript, with baked in testable code.

    Hosting: I've gravitated to Azure Functions/Apps but Digital Ocean is pretty slick too. I've used GCP, Heroku, Firebase, AWS, but either easily find edge case blockers (Heroku/Firebase) or atrocious support/UX for GCP/AWS. For static sites, Azure Static Sites + Github Actions for hosting/prerendering automagically.

    File storage: Wasabi, has an S3 compatible API, but way, way more predictable pricing than others.

  27. 2

    It depends. If it's mostly about syncing data around the cloud (e.g., IndieHackers) I'd use Phoenix LiveView in Elixir hosted on Heroku. If I need a lot of local state then Elm hosted on Netlify. Both backed by Supabase for auth and Postgres. If I needed a backend for the Elm app I'd use either Scala, Haskell, or Node depending on the complexity of the project and how much integration I need with third party SDKs.

    This essentially forms a decision tree:

    If mostly syncing data from different clients in the cloud, that is, realtime is important and not much local state is kept, then Elixir/Phoenix LiveView hosted on Heroku. A

    Else use Elm hosted on Netlify, and if
    Need a backend:
    If backend is complicated:
    If backend requires use of 3rd party SDKs:
    else Haskell
    Else Node
    Else: N/A

    Regardless, use Supabase as the auth and database layers.

    1. 1

      For styling I always use Tailwind CSS.

  28. 2

    If it's a static website or I need SSR: Remix.

    If I don't, because it's an interactive web-app, it would depend on the project type and requirements, but the base would be: React of course, Node for the backend and Postgres for the database (because most of the data we manipulate is relational, because it's not that complicated once you learned it, and because it can scale a lot while keeping great performances) with Prisma ORM (which has an incredible type system).

    Then, for the front, if you need a custom design: styled-components; and if you don't (because it's a back-office for example), Chakra-UI.

    The back choices would depend on if it's a project I'll actively work on, or if it's a project that once shipped I'll just have few time to maintain.

    In the first case, I would allow myself to use new technologies: GraphQL and Apollo (mostly because Apollo client for React is so great).
    If I stability over time, I would pick Express with REST routes (and a Swagger), and React Query.

  29. 2

    Sorry for coming late to the party. As an experienced RoR developer and VueJS tech lead in a startup using Firebase, I'd recommend Rails without any hesitations for a POC / MVP or even a solid first version of a web project.
    Actually, PHP technologies like Laravel or Symphony would work fine as well. Or even in the Javascript space although I'm not super confident in JS technologies since it's moving way too fast (but that's another topic).

    Why Rails? Just because it's super simple to build things from the frontend to the backend sides of the project. Maybe it's a boring technology by today's standards but it's reliable, tons of documentation papers and examples.
    I've got a Rails application in production since 2008 (not kidding). It simply requires a simple Rails upgrade every 3 / 4 years.

    I won't recommend splitting the Rails application into a Rails API and a ReactJS frontend because it adds unnecessary complexity (like the deployments for instance) without a lot of real benefits.
    Unless you're not alone in this project and one of the folks in your team is a ReactJS expert, then why not.

    Regarding the frontend abilities of Rails, Stimulus and more generally Hotwired (https://hotwired.dev/) are so great to use and you can accomplish great things. Refreshing asynchronously a part of the app without writing any JS code is really fun :-)

    TailwindCSS is definitively a non brainer choice. If you don't have designer skills, purchase their UI kit, worth every penny (https://tailwindui.com/).

    My last point about Firebase. We've been using it for almost 3 years but at some point in the project life, we're missing relational databases (like Postgresql) and especially being able to query multiple collections in a single query. https://supabase.com/ seems a good compromise but again, for a first web project, you don't want to use new fancy toys.

    Glad to give more details and share my experience if people are interested.

    1. 1

      what's so complex about frontend backend separate deployment? React it's literally one or two commands to deploy, backend is same, with or without frontend.

  30. 2

    Definitely Ruby on Rails. Because of its concise, clean syntax, it doesn't need a lot of unnecessary punctuation. It’s an object-oriented language, a clean language, flexible and predictable, that is simple to understand and write. It also uses less code to generate fundamental structures. https://appssemble.com/blog/ruby-on-rails.html

  31. 2

    The one you're most comfortable with or lets you get the MVP up the fastest.

    There is a copywriter job board on Indiehackers that was built with No Code solutions. Then when the idea worked, they built the actual app.

  32. 2

    Frontly - we use React JS behind-the-scenes, but connect to your Google Sheet / Airtable / REST API with ease. I've built React JS apps for 5 years, and in the end, I was building a lot of the same stuff over and over again. Then, I built Frontly and now I can whip up an MVP in a few hours.

  33. 2

    For static sites I started using Astro and it is enjoyable using it.

    For complex web apps I use Reactjs(if no SEO required)/Nextjs(SEO required) and Tailwindcss and for backend in the past I used django but nowadays I use the Phoenix framework with MySQL.

    But there is no one size fits all. In my experience the more tools you are comfortable with the better, because you can choose the right ones for the job.

  34. 2

    I'm using Angular, Material, and Firebase. The responses so far seem to favor ReactJS, so I have to ask, what is it about ReactJS that makes it stand out?

    1. 1

      for me it's because everything is a code, not template language. Because it's code, it's well supported in Vscode, all the intellisense works excellent. It's very smooth. Also there are many UI libraries easy to use. It makes fast to create decent looking app.

      1. 1

        Interesting. I've recently worked on a NextJS project and like how that works, but I find the all-code concept messy. It reminds me of the Microsoft ISP and Java JSP days, which can make HTML challenging to maintain.

  35. 2

    checkout redwoodjs. I'm just starting but really promising. It's a complete end-to-end stack made of prisma, postgresql, graphql and other stuff.

  36. 2

    Front end : HTML, CSS, JS
    Back end: JAVA, Node.js
    Database: MongoDB

  37. 2

    if the project is a web app I would use TALL stack :
    Tailwind css
    Alpine js

  38. 2

    I feel comfortable using Python/Django/postgresql/sqlite3 for the back end purposes, and html,css,bootstrap,js,jquery and ajax for front end part.
    Django provides an opportunity to develop a website with less code which means I can develop a website in less time as compared to other languages and frameworks.
    Would like to learn more about other languages as well.

  39. 2

    I would use React, but build my frontend using Nimbus. Then I would use Django or Firebase depending on the size and complexity of the back-end. Django is really slept on but it powers a lot of huge applications on the web like Reddit and Instagram (or at least did, they might have changed it). You can build a back-end with it in minutes complete with a full admin panel.

  40. 2

    Ideally, choose boring technologies. Almost unsexy ones. They are stable, proven, and easily debuggable. And we can host it everywhere without any problems.
    So for me, it's PHP and if I need it, Vue.js. PHP developers are everywhere. The code is easy to read. People can easily contribute to the code. It's straightforward.

  41. 2

    Similar here: NextJS (Typescript) and Tailwind and Firebase.

    With Firebase the NextJS is not being fully used and just React (CRA for example) is probably just as good.

    But I am a creature of habit and like to stick to one stack

  42. 2

    I would use a nocode tool instead of going the Python/Django/DRF/Htmx/Postgres route.

    I did this with dragoman.carrd.co using carrd and google forms in less than 30 minutes

  43. 2

    The one you already know by heart.

  44. 2

    React/Typescript for frontend.
    Go and/or Python for the backend.

    Cloud agnostic infrastructure (moving clouds is a pain:)), probably kubernetes for compute and postgres for storage.

  45. 2

    React and Node, that's it!

    1. 1

      I know that technology stacks can vary widely depending on the project, but I was just wondering what you're most comfortable with.

  46. 2

    Remix, Hasura and Tailwind for a web based project.

    If you deploy Remix on Vercel and use Hasura Cloud's git integration you get deploy previews out of the box for frontend, backend and even the database.

    1. 1

      Great stack!
      Is there any specific reason for using Hasura? I have never used it.

      1. 1
        1. It gives you many things out-of-the-box - a unified graphql API layer, socket connection, eventing (cron and database event triggers), etc.
        2. It autoscales
        3. You can deploy it on your own server if you want (w/ the open-source version).
        4. Docs are great
        5. Community is amazing
        6. I feel comfortable using it
  47. 1

    It 100% depends on what the goals, requirements, constraints and the other context of the project is.

    Here's the tech stack of the web app I'm currently building. The app has a marketing site, the web app itself, an admin area for the owners, and back-end APIs and services.


    • Astro - SSG mode for the marketing site, SSR for the admin area
    • Tailwind + DaisyUI (component library)
    • Vue for more reactive UI components


    • SST + AWS - SST makes defining and deploying far simpler than CDK or Serverless.
    • DynamoDB + TypeDORM


    • Brevo for email
    • Umami for analytics
    1. 1

      this is for me the perfect stack, i use strapi for the backend but the others are the same

  48. 1

    Deno & Fresh (TypeScript) is my stack nowadays. If you are experienced with node and next.js - just try. The community is growing, but there's already a good ecosystem to make something serious with it. Currently working on a project with this stack. Never been a happier developer.
    https://github.com/denoland/fresh/ - Fresh framework
    https://github.com/nesterow/tailored - My library and playground

    On the backend it depends. If I need my own infrastructure then it would be Supabase. But the cheaper option for a startup is to use Firebase:). My current project has a 2K RPS on average and somewhat around 7M docs in the db, so our company still uses mongo cloud because it is cheaper than maintaining it on our servers.

    In the end, it doesn't really matter. If you or your team are good and effective with any contemporary stack - why ask? :)

  49. 1

    If you are thinking about using a CMS and are building a website with React (either SSR or CSR), I suggest you take a look at Croct. There’s also a nice open source lib to seamless integration.

  50. 1

    I would go with golang and buffalo I have a feeling it is the modern rails

  51. 1

    Hey guys, so I've been using Blitz.js for my project mapmelon.com and I have to say, I'm really impressed with how easy it is to use and how powerful it is for building web applications. I'm definitely a fan.

    Has anyone else used Blitz.js before? If so, what do you guys think about it? I'm always curious to hear other people's experiences and thoughts on different technologies.

  52. 1

    The most boring tech stack! ASP.NET Core Razor Pages + htmx to sprinkle some interactivity here and there

  53. 1

    Hello! When we talk about trends in development, we can note that there are certain trends that allow a company to create relevant applications. Summing up the year, we can identify several popular outsourcing software development trends. Let's focus on some of the most popular technologies that will remain relevant in 2023:

    Low-Code or No-Code;
    Internet of Things (IoT);
    Big Data;
    Artificial Intelligence;
    Cloud computing;
    Progressive Web Apps (PWAs);
    Microservices architecture.

    If you want to know more information about software development trends, you can check this article

  54. 1

    ReactJs , Golang, PostgresSQL and Redis if needed.

  55. 1

    The classic MERN stack has never failed me.

  56. 1

    Any technology that youre comfortable with building your mvp on. The mission and feature will bring you users and product validation! But I do enjoy using react, firebase.

  57. 1

    Firebase/NGINEX, something as JAVA or NodeJS and JAVA Script because I haven't really engagend in any alternatives. Also for mobile Apps, I would at least try something no code or the classic Android Studio :)

  58. 1

    VueJS for web app applications with Postgres

  59. 1

    next.js and vercel is my new stack!

  60. 1

    To be on top of the most recent wave I google-trends compare the latest technology first and go from there.

  61. 1

    Django, jQuery for frontend (simply because Django allows to build 80% of MVPs with minimal JS coding). Postgres as the main DB, Mongo for bigdata, Redis for high speed data streams

  62. 1

    As I'm in the position to make this decision right now for one of my projects, here goes my stack of choice:
    Backend: Laravel
    Frontend: NextJS or NuxtJS + TailwindCSS

    To get a bit of a head start, I'd also recommend checking out TailwindUI for ready-made components available in plain-html, reactjs and vuejs code. They're also super easy to tweak and adapt.

    1. 1

      you don't like server rendered html?

      1. 1

        Nuxt and Next both have SSR

  63. 1

    Nextjs + vercel. It's just super convenient - I don't have to worry about managing servers, adding API endpoints is a breeze, I get CI/CD for free and even setting up things like staging/prod are a breeze.

  64. 1

    In the past I've used Django+jQuery+Postgres on Heroku. Django is cool in that you specify a data model, and it generates ORM mappings, forms, admin panel, etc. Saves a lot of work.

    However, I've become a fan of React, and that meshes much better with a Node backend - can share code between client and server! Also I strongly prefer statically typed languages, so Typescript is pretty awesome. Python also has type annotations if you want them, but generally Typescript >> Python.

    So for my latest project (babyfiesta.co) I've chosen NextJS+Typescript+Datastore on Google App Engine. NextJS has a lot of features and optimizations "out of the box" but there is often a learning curve. My latest struggle is the fact that it can't optimize images when hosted on GAE because there is no writable filesystem. I'll probably have to migrate to another hosting platform.

    1. 1

      what kind of code do you share between ode and react?

      1. 1

        Model/viewmodel definitions, data validation, some utility functions

    2. 1

      Oh yeah and React Bootstrap for UI. Has most of what you'd need out of the box.

  65. 1

    For most stuff

    Framework: Next.js
    Styling: TailwindCSS
    Language: Typescript
    Database: Supabase
    Form Library: React Hook Forms
    Fetching Library: Tanstack Query
    State Management: Jotai for React based, Zustand if i need to have state living outside of the React Lifecycle.
    Backend: TRPC & Server Components
    Design: Figma
    Host: Vercel

    This works for most apps that I'm bulding. However if i'd need something which can run longer, I.e something that will cause a lambda to timeout such as a long running process, I'd might go Node & express for backend as well, as I like working with Typescript.

  66. 1

    To keep things simple and for faster development I would go with:
    Nextjs (for the frontend)
    Tailwind or Material UI (for the styling)
    Supabase (for the backend)
    Vercel (for hosting)

  67. 1

    Anyone have any thoughts on a no-to-low-code approach to starting a new web project?

    I'm familiar with Bubble, FlutterFlow, but curious if anyone is on this end of 'tech'.

  68. 1

    i'm comfortable with NEST in the backend with mongodb, and Next for the frontend.

  69. 1

    I will prefer WordPress and the reason is that it has a large community and easy to use. We can create website in just minutes using WordPress. Also if we face any problem, there are hell of resources to solve that problems on Wordpress. But if speed is our main concern, then I can go for custom developement.

  70. 1

    GoLang ( Gin, Gorm ) for back-end and VueJS hosted in CloudFlare Pages for the front-end. :-)

  71. 1

    My goto as of late has been NextJS on Vercel on the frontend, and Rails API on the backend. Mongo over SQL.

    NextJS + Vercel is absurdly fast from both a dev + response time perspective. And you can run some lightweight TS on the API side when it makes a difference.

    Then Rails API on the backend w/ Redis/Sidekiq + Mongo -- b/c building business logic in Node is cumbersome.

    I do miss writing Typescript on the backend, but productivity wise Rails is hard to beat if you know your way around the framework.

    1. 1

      If you always use the same tech stack, do you use a SaaS/App template when you start a new project to speed up your local setup?

  72. 1

    It think it all depends on the type of project and the functionalities I would be implementing.


    • React + Typescript
    • Chakra UI
    • Tailwind CSS


    • Typescript
    • Nodejs + Expressjs
    • Prisma + Postgresql / Mongodb


    Vercel - Frontend
    Digital Ocean, Linode or Railway

  73. 1

    ReactJS, NodeJS, Redis, Mongo/MySQL, AWS

  74. 1

    I dont have anything interesting to add with regards to the particular stack, but my experience is that using best in class tools and libraries is the way to go. In the beginning I would do anything to try and weasel my pet favorite languages into my project but it was really swimming against the tide.

  75. 1

    Node + express (Typescript) for the backend for sure.

  76. 1

    Nextjs + MySQL + Vercel

  77. 1

    Seem like Python is an unpopular choice for the backend, but I spent many years writing data science code in Python.

    • Frontend: React and MUI ,running on Firebase static hosting
    • Backend: Flask running on GKE b/c I love tweaking kubernetes yaml files :). Celery for background tasks (Redis result backend + RabbitMQ broker). Regular Postgres instead of Google's expensive managed Postgres. Open source ingress-nginx instead of Google's ingress. I've found all of Google proprietary versions of stuff ends up being more trouble than the open source alternative. Cluster backups to storage buckets with the open source Velero.
  78. 1

    Why would you pick those things over other technologies?

  79. 1

    I mostly like to pick Next.JS + Redux + MongoDB

  80. 1

    As a few other's have stated; the one I'm most familiar with and with which I'm most productive. In my case, that's Ruby on Rails.

  81. 1

    Most of the time, this depends on the goals of the project.

    For example, if that's an MVP of a mobile app, I'd use Flutter + Firebase.

  82. 1

    If you want our project for React Native Development recommend it.

  83. 1

    I would go with:

    • Front-end: React, Tailwind + Radix-UI.
    • Backend: Golang + Postgres.
    • DigitalOcean for deployments (I think its a bit cheaper overall)
    • Could use Auth0 for handling auth providers initially.
  84. 1

    nextjs, supabase, tailwind

  85. 1

    Next Js is my preferred choice as it is fast and can be optimised for seo but any modern framework these days are capable of creating a scalable website.

  86. 1

    Livecode, a low code platform. It's great to develop web projects and internal apps . Try www.livecode.com. It's faster and efficient

  87. 1

    Basically it depends on a number of factors like:

    • your skill set and experience
    • your project specifics
    • modern trends in software development
    • etc.

    I would advise choosing a technology stack that would allow you to move as quickly as possible, taking into account a set of reasonable factors.

  88. 1

    I normally use Bubble for building apps for clients. It's way faster and you can do a lot with it.

  89. 1

    Webflow; fastest from idea to MVP for a functioning website with enough code to make it technical.

  90. 1

    Tailwind css



  91. 1

    For static sites / marketing / docs I'd have to recommend Astro.

    We used it for our website and found the performance to be great as it ships zero JavaScript unless you opt in

  92. 1

    It depends whether it is a site with a low amount of interactivity or a full-blown app.

    For a site with a low amount of interactivity, I'd reach for a boring static site CMS so the focus could be on content and not the underlying tech, with the goal of producing some static assets that can be hosted on a CDN and updated via some automated pipeline.

    For a full-blown app, I'd use React / TypeScript, most likely with React Bootstrap, so I could focus initially on the functionality and worry later about the design. If the app needed some bespoke APIs, I'd probably use Node.JS + TypeScript.

  93. 1

    Unless it has features that can't easily be wrapped in an API... Bubble.

  94. 1

    I would use NextJs with Blitz toolkit and Tailwind CSS. The alternative would be Remix (remix.run) with Tailwind CSS.

    Using Blitz with NextJs, I was able to write very neat and organised code and I also didn't need any State Management library which I would say was a major plus point.

    Here's the project I built with NextJs, Blitz and Tailwind: https://hire.win

  95. 1

    first try a powderful no code / low code bildr.com or wappler.io
    If its something more advanced Nestjs + graphql+ nextjs - use a custom CLI to autogenerate all the GraphQL CRUD and would write on the backend just the custom parts. React with chakra on the frontend

  96. 1

    I would use ReactJS for the frontend with Ruby on Rails for the API and backend. Backend code would be separated into command and query objects with a single public method (see CQS), and the backend would also utilize an event bus. The database would be PostgreSQL. And I would host on Heroku but use AWS CloudFront, S3, and Route53.

  97. 1

    I will use Laravel, VueJs, Tailwind CSS. I love Laravel because it has a large number of third-party packages which make it easy for us to integrate it and make things done within a few minutes.

  98. 1

    I don't have any experience in programming languages. So, I'll go with no-code tools such as Bubble, Airtable, Zapier, etc.

  99. 1

    Laravel + React/Vuejs + TailwindCSS

  100. 1

    Nowadays probably I will use NodeJS + MySQL or PostgreSQL + NextJS, but I am not an expert on next js so maybe i will use a fast wordpress template for validating the mvp and google cloud or heroku for hosting as are the ones that I've tried before.

  101. 1

    Django + "Jinja" + Turbolinks.js + Boostrap if the project only requires CRUDs and if I know that the project in the future will require new features that will not be so difficult to implement.

    Flask + Jinja + Turbolinks.js + Boostrap if the project is going to be web and REST, it is very comfortable to start projects and scale them.

    I feel more comfortable in a python stack because I have a deeper knowledge and a wider context of libraries and their alternatives than in a JavaScript stack.

    As a database Postgres or DynamoDB.

    React if the project requires a lot of interaction.

    and AWS services.

  102. 1

    I'm biased**, but I'm going to start a new project today and I'll be using Typescript for both frontend and backend and host it on Stormkit. I'll probably pick Supabase for the database. Recently we have released a new feature to support writing apis and shipping them together with the frontend app. So I'm super excited to try it out and see how it turns out.

    ** I'm the founder of Stormkit

  103. 1

    Ruby On Rails, Hotwire, TailwindCSS + UI

  104. 1

    (Late to the party) Probably TypeScript all the way from front (React / Nextjs) to back (Nestjs or something similar) and infra (Pulumi or AWS CDK). Firebase would be the stand-in for not having an infra from day one.

  105. 1

    NextJS (but I'd really dig into Remix), Tailwind + Tailwind UI, Supabase, Vercel.

  106. 1

    probably, MUI React

    I bad in desing, more MUI makes life easier

  107. 1

    Watch out for some over-engineered suggestions here!
    Of course, the answer is "it depends", you did not say which kind of web project.

    A blog, or a dynamic content-driven website?
    Use a no-code tool like webflow.com (we use this at clearmoney.io), wordpress.org, or even substack.com
    If you wanted full control over the content, Nextjs with a headless CMS like Contentful, or any other nodejs compatible CMS.

    A server-driven web application?
    Express, Firebase, any frontend
    Or Nextjs if you plan to use React frontend
    Firebase can be used for authentication, and for storage like any database

    A single page app?
    You need a lightweight nodejs/python/golang REST API
    Firebase (or Userbase.com) and React frontend, deployed via static hosting

    Message me if you need help in learning any of these technologies! I've taught myself most of these over the past 5 years :)

  108. 1

    Flutter for frontend and Dart for backend to avoid context switching.

  109. 1

    Cloud provider:
    Personally I go with AWS, the learning curve can be pretty steep though



    One of React or Vue. They're both great frameworks with their own strengths

  110. 1
    • Vue.js because it's awesome!
    • Vuetify because it's the best component library I've ever found, even better and reliable than MUI
    • AWS Lambdas, so that I don't need to run a server
  111. 1

    Basic Website: WordPress

    More Advanced Website: Drupal

    Web App: Laravel or Django

  112. 1

    If it is just a website / landing page. I would use plain Wordpress with a custom theme based on Bootstrap

    For a Web App. I would go with ReactJS or Vanilla JS if it is not going to be a SPA and Bootstrap. The backend would be either go or python flask. DB mySQL or etcd

  113. 1

    If there's no special reason:

    • TailwindCSS, ReactJS for frontend
    • NodeJS or Firebase for backend depend on the project.
      Try to keep everything around JS to deepen the knowledge day by day, that will help a lot on next projects

    And always try minimize the code I write by using available packages for any problem down the road.

  114. 1

    +1 for TailwindCSS, I always use Tailwind UI.
    On frontend I would choose Vue.js and backend Laravel. I am also very good with Firebase and I developed huge projects on it, but speed of development with Laravel in my case is huge.

  115. 1
    • Tailwind
    • Angular
    • .NET 6
    • MongoDB
  116. 1

    Symfony and some kind of frontend framework to make thing look better:)

  117. 1

    Wordpress, since it's the only one I know how to use.

    I probably should've spent more time at my school's computer club, I could've learned Github too

  118. 1

    My default tech stack is

    • React Js
    • TailwindCSS
    • MongoDB
    • Node Js
    • Frontend Hosting - Netlify
    • Backend Hosting - Heroku
  119. 1

    I'd use Wasp (https://wasp-lang.dev/) along with React & Node.js! It removes all the usual boilerplate (auth, CRUD API, ...), gets you started in a minute, and still lets you code whatever you need in React & Node.

    {disclaimer: I'm one of the authors behind wasp-lang. We are getting close to Beta and are looking for Alpha Testers -> takes about 45 mins and we'll send you a t-shirt :) }

    Check it out and apply here: https://wasp-lang.notion.site/Wasp-Alpha-Testing-Program-Admissions-dca25649d63849cb8dfc55881e4f6f82


    1. 1

      Why is Y combinator backing this? What's your business model?

      1. 1

        It is a typical OSS model (imagine Mongo or Terraform - hosting/deployment services, enterprise features, support) - but the focus rn is obviously on the technology itself

  120. 1

    For web applications, I would use Laravel (with Inertia, Vue and Tailwind)

  121. 1

    NextJs with Typescript.. TailwindCSS.. C# backend with MYSQL database behind Nginx, with Redis caching layer in front.

  122. 1

    It would definitely depend on the project for me, but React + Material UI for the frontend, Supabase or Hasura on the backend. If that doesn't work for the particular project then Node with everything hosted on AWS for ease of use and free tier pricing.

  123. 1

    On the frontend I would start with vanilla html/js, without any transpiler (as long as you're ok not supporting IE). It's remarkable how far you can get with simple document.createElement and friends. On the backend, TypeScript is great because you can scale how rigorous you want to be with your types over time, but Go is hard to beat in terms of a balance between ergonomics and performance.

  124. 1

    I'd use what I already know: Ruby on Rails (with Hotwire) and Postgres, hosted on Render. My productivity with this stack is through the roof.

    1. 1

      Thank god I am not the only one 🥳

  125. 1

    It depends on the complexity of the project.

    For Websites: Webflow + Airtable/Zapier (Low-Code Tools)

    For Web Apps: React.JS or Bubble.io

  126. 1

    Depends on the performance requirements, especially on the backend. A little over a year ago, where backend performance wasn't an issue, we chose for adaptable.io:

    • Next.js and React on the front end
    • Material UI for a GUI toolkit
    • Feathers.js for the backend

    We did have some specific infrastructure requirements for deployment and running user jobs, so we ended up deploying using

    • k8s (GKE specifically)
    • Terraform (to set up the Google cloud environment, the GKE cluster, etc.)
    • Adapt.js to deploy things into GKE
  127. 1

    I just started one today!! 😶
    I'm using React, Nextjs, ChakraUI for Fronted and Firebase for Backend.

  128. 1

    Depends on the stack but my usual is:

    • Nest.js + prisma + postgres for backend
    • React for frontend (maybe next.js depending on the project) + chakra ui or styled components
    • Railway to deploy infra

    For anything that requires realtime data streaming, I usually use firebase.

    1. 1

      i love nest with prisma as well

  129. 1

    I've found a great balance with the following stack:

    Webflow with code export to build a nice responsive frontend.
    VanillaJS to make the above speak to my
    Express/NodeJS backend power by
    Hosted on some PaaS for easy deployment (Heroku, App Engine ...)

    I would strongly consider building the Express/NodeJS all in Lambda or Cloud Functions just due to how much cheaper it would be BUT I am not experienced doing that as yet and am not sure if it would be net more productive.

  130. 1

    Trying to decide this right now! Am thinking Python backend and no-code UI

  131. 1

    NextJS + ReactJS, Typescript, TailwindCSS and Firebase. Also heard good things about Supabase as a Firebase alternative.

    Firebase or Vercel

  132. 1

    It all depends on projects, but my preferred stack is
    Laravel backend, Inertia with Vue/React, tailwind.
    Laravel has a lot of tools in its ecosystem that really helps me focus on my app and not the common layers.

  133. 1

    Top Web App Development Technologies
    VR and AR.
    Express. js.
    Python and Django.
    Ruby on Rails.
    check that it's the latest technologies which have been used world wide https://trackjrs.com/

  134. 1

    React + Material-UI front end, Feathers.js (Node) back end to CockroachDB serverless.

    1. 2

      Great tech stack. I would try to CockroachDB in my future projects.

  135. 1

    I think it depends on the project right? it is not the same to make an electronic commerce project than a news site for example. But I'm a fan of NodeJs / NestJs and Angular

    1. 2

      I'm also a big fan of NodeJs.

  136. 1

    Laravel, Tailwind, MySQL on DO.

  137. 1

    If it's something more complex I would root for react, tailwind for web, Flutter for mobile. AWS Appsync for the backend. DynamoDb or Aurora Serverless for the DB.
    If it's more a simpler MVP, I would try some no code tools like webflow, airtable, typeform. Maybe implementing the Backend and using for the UI no code.

    1. 1

      I have used airtable to store data in one of my projects and it's super simple to use.

  138. 0

    Top Web App Development Technologies
    VR and AR.
    Express. js.
    Python and Django.
    Ruby on Rails.
    check that it's the latest technologies which have been used world wide

  139. 0

    The stack I am familiar with.
    Backend Django Postgres for DB
    Frontend pure JS , CSS then maybe I will refactor with React when I get time.
    Hosting : heroku and I may move to AWS latter.
    AI : Fast.AI

  140. 0

    I would use something that I already know. This way I'm able to ship as soon as effectively as possible. And to focus on the business solution the most, I'd rely on third-party services for things like hosting, mailing, etc.

  141. 1

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